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Youth club Beatship Hl. Kreuz

Stand: 03.06.2024

Youth Welfare Office of the Archdiocese of Bamberg

The aim of the youth club's work is to provide individual support, appropriate group activities, low-threshold educational opportunities and cooperation with other educational institutions, as well as to be a local point of contact in many respects.

The youth club runs open, church-oriented youth work in the Anger district. The focus here is primarily on socially disadvantaged young people with and without a migration background. It is important to the youth club to be an open house for everyone and to provide case-oriented support.

Counseling topics and services

  • Dropping out (training)
  • Graduation (training)
  • Initial training
  • Internship
  • Further training (general, vocational)
  • Job application
  • Voluntary work / voluntary services
  • Language support

Further information and contact:

Youth Welfare Office of the Archdiocese of Bamberg