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Kindergarten Artilleriestraße - KIOSK KINDERGARTEN

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Artilleriestraße kindergarten is home to one group of children. The concept includes the cooperation of parents.

About the facility

The KIOSK KINDERGARTEN is based on an educational concept that is very transparent for parents, thanks to the daily cooperation between a specialist with many years of experience and one parent at a time. Frequency of parent participation per family: 2 - 3 times a month.

The children are offered a varied daily kindergarten routine with a focus on creative individual development and at the same time respectful group socialization.

The parents can also be given good support for their own educational work - especially thanks to their contribution to the childcare. In addition, their involvement enables them to gain an extensive insight into and influence the educational activities of the group and, of course, the enriching experience of more personal contact with other parents and children.

Number of groups

The KIOSK KINDERGARTEN is a one-group facility for a maximum of 14 children.

Age of the children cared for

2.5 to 6 years


Private provider, Peter Meyer, Dipl. Psych.

Opening hours

Mondays to Fridays, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm


Artilleriestraße 110
91052 Erlangen
Röthelheim / Sebaldus
Phone +49 (0) 9131 6302081

E-Mail: kindergruppe.kiosk@nefkom.net

Internet: kita-bayern.de/er/kiosk