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Kindergarten Kolpingweg - St. Xystus

Stand: 28.05.2024

The St. Xystus kindergarten in Kolpingweg is home to five groups of children.

Age of children in care: 3 to 6
Responsible body: St. Xystus Catholic Church Foundation

About the facility

St. Xystus Kindergarten is located in the village area of Büchenbach in the immediate vicinity of St. Xystus Church below the community center.

We look after 5 groups with up to 125 children aged 3-6 years. We offer changing annual themes, cross-group activities (movement construction site, dodgeball, experiments), activities for the middle children, language training program, French, project work and excursions.


Kolpingweg 16
91056 Erlangen
Büchenbach - Village

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 992210