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Kindergarten Luitpoldstraße - St. Martin

Stand: 28.05.2024

The St. Martin kindergarten in Luitpoldstraße has a large garden close to the city center.

Age of children in care: 3 to 6
Responsible body: St. Bonifaz Catholic Church Foundation

About the facility

The kindergarten is located in the catchment area of the Losch School in the city center.

Our facility is located on the edge of the city center, surrounded by small stores, close to a large playground, the city park, the Aroma Garden and the Schwabachgrund. The kindergarten itself has a large garden. As a certified physical activity kindergarten, exercise and nutrition are very important to us.

Contact us at

Luitpoldstraße 9
91054 Erlangen

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 26505