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Kindergarten Im Heuschlag - Millipedes

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Tausendfüßler kindergarten in the street Im Heuschlag is home to three groups of children.

Age of the children cared for: 2.5 to 6
Provider: Evangelical-Lutheran parish of St. Markus

About the facility

The catchment area of the children's home is Sieglitzhof, Röthelheimpark and Buckenhofer Siedlung.

We look after 60 children in three mixed-age groups.
Due to the university and the Siemens company, we have many children whose parents or usually one parent come from other countries.
In the kindergarten, the children are cared for in an open concept, but with three reference groups, with mixed ages from 3 years to school entry. The crèche consists of one group.


Im Heuschlag 10
91054 Erlangen

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 56283