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Kindergarten Nelly-Sachs-Straße - Albertus-Magnus

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Albertus-Magnus kindergarten in Nelly-Sachs-Straße is home to one group of children.

Age of children in care: 3 to 6
Responsible body: St. Xystus Catholic Church Foundation

About the facility

The St. Albertus Magnus Kindergarten is a Catholic, one-group kindergarten located in Erlangen-Frauenaurach.

As a Catholic kindergarten

  • we support and promote the development of our children
  • we have changing annual themes
  • we are guided by the annual cycle with its festivals and natural processes
  • we have targeted small group work
  • we prepare our children specifically for school

We offer them

  • a family atmosphere (only 1 group)
  • a large, child-friendly outdoor area
  • project-related excursions into nature
  • the location right next to the elementary school

Opening hours

Daily from 7:15 am.


Nelly-Sachs-Straße 1
91056 Erlangen

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 992128