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New children's house at Bruck railroad station - study design

Stand: 28.05.2024

As part of a semester project with students of architecture and civil engineering, designs were created for the construction of a new children's house at Bruck railroad station.

Bild des Studienentwurfs für den Neubau eines Kinderhaus am Brucker BahnhofCopyright Coburg University of Applied Sciences

The Department for Planning and Building of the City of Erlangen, represented here by the Office for Building Management, has set itself the goal of promoting innovative processes, among other things. This also includes exchanges with universities and other research and educational institutions.

With this in mind, architecture students at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design, worked on designs for a children's house at Brucker Bahnhof in a semester project in spring 2020. The collaboration between the city of Erlangen and the university gave the students the opportunity to tackle a practical task in an open-ended and experimental way. The students came up with attractive and inspiring ideas and suggestions for a facility for children of crèche and kindergarten age, which they supplemented with spaces for intergenerational activities for the district.

With its experience as a public client, the building department supports the didactic goals of the university in the training of future qualified planners with this collaboration and thanks them for their cooperation.

The result as a pdf file can be requested by e-mail from the Office for Building Management of the City of Erlangen: gebaeudemanagement@stadt.erlangen.de

Office for Facility Management

Head of office: Florian Engel

The City of Erlangen's Facility Management Office (GME) bears functional and economic responsibility for the city's buildings. All activities related to the management of the buildings are in the hands of the GME.


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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