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Interim report on climate adaptation (2021)

Stand: 28.05.2024

"Where are we and what else do we have planned?"

Extreme weather events such as heat waves and heavy rainfall are on the rise due to climate change. The City of Erlangen's climate adaptation concept, published in June 2020, specifies the climatic developments to be expected locally and formulates six fields of action derived from this as overarching goals. These fields of action are assigned 12 packages of measures - for example M1: Shading of public spaces, M4: Implementation of the sponge city principle in new planning or M12: Creation of near-natural and climate-friendly water areas. The information is based on the internal controlling of climate protection measures (as of October 2020), the work programs of the offices (2018 to 2021) and the investment program (2020 to 2024). The greatest potential for expansion is still seen in the area of shading (M1) and improving the indoor climate (M7) as well as the creation of a heavy rain hazard map (M6). The campaign's packages of measures for greening roofs, facades and inner courtyards (M8), climate-friendly forest development (M11) and the creation of near-natural and climate-friendly water areas (M12) are particularly positive.