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Crèche Am Weichselgarten - Sunshine

Stand: 28.05.2024

The AWO Sonnenschein crèche consists of two groups with twelve places each and two groups with eleven places each.

Age of the children cared for: 0.5 to 3
Responsible body: AWO Kreisverband Erlangen-Höchstadt e. V

About the facility

Our Sonnenschein is located in the industrial area of Tennenlohe and brings colorful hustle and bustle and children's laughter to the otherwise rather quiet and unattractive area. In an office building at Am Weichselgarten 3, the former office space has been converted and lovingly and colorfully adapted to the needs of the children. In addition to a large gymnasium, which invites the children to romp around and feel good, there is also a manageable garden at the children's disposal.

We offer our children space for individual development, take them seriously and give them time to go at their own pace. Security and attention are the prerequisites for holistic development.

We support parents in balancing family and career and also offer contingent places for the following companies:

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
  • Max Planck
  • University of Erlangen

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 16:00


Am Weichselgarten 3
91058 Erlangen

Phone: + 49 (0) 9131 9201770

E-mail: kita.sonnenschein@awo-erlangen.de

Website: www.awo-erlangen.de/kindereinrichtungen/kinderkrippe-sonnenschein.html