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Crèche Bismarckstraße - Protestant Family Center

Stand: 28.05.2024

Crèche for 18 children

Age of children cared for: 1 to 3
Provider: Hensoltshöher Gemeinschaftsverband e.V., Gunzenhausen

About the facility

The Protestant Family Center is centrally located in the heart of Erlangen and is home to a crèche for 18 children and a kindergarten for 27 children. The family center is a place where people young and old feel at home, where they can exchange ideas and experience a wide range of support and help. So that family life succeeds.


Bismarckstraße 19
91054 Erlangen

Tel +49 (0)131 81 59 34
Fax +49 (0)131 81 59 70