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Day nursery Buckenhofer Weg - Ankerplatz

Stand: 28.05.2024

Crèche and kindergarten

Age of children cared for: 1 year to school age
Provider: Internationaler Bund e.V.

About the facility

The Ankerplatz daycare center is a newly founded facility of the Internationaler Bund (IB), which opened in July 2020. We want the children to find a place to anchor where they are supported in their development in a warm atmosphere.

One of our main focuses is sustainability.

According to the motto: "You only protect what you love." (behavioral scientist Konrad Lorenz), we want to teach children about nature, animals and the environment.

The aim is to help children grow into independent, empathetic and responsible people who are able to make their own decisions. We also want to instil in them a mindful attitude towards their fellow human beings, animals and nature, as well as their toys and other materials. The children should find an anchorage with us, where they are supported in their development in a warm atmosphere.

In addition to the interpersonal "anchorage" that both children and parents can find here, the location of the former Erlangen harbor, which was only a few hundred meters away until 1950, was also a decisive factor in the name.

The e-mail address is only intended for parents whose child is already being cared for at Ankerplatz. It is not intended for inquiries about places.

Place requests exclusively via: kitaplatz@stadt.erlangen.de

Contact us

Enquiries/registration exclusively via: kitaplatz@stadt.erlangen.de

Buckenhofer Weg 71
91058 Erlangen

Tel +49 (0) 9131 4015600
Fax +49 (0) 9131 4015609