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Thomizil crèche - Liegnitzer Straße

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Thomizil children's center is located in the southern part of Erlangen.

Age of children cared for: 0 to 10
Provider: Ev. Luth. parish Thomaskirche

About the facility

Our crèche looks after 24 children aged 0-3 years in two groups

Childcare staff: 3 nursery nurses, 2 nannies, 2 trainees

Social learning, independence and creativity are an integral part of our conceptual work, and the child's development is documented through regular observations and portfolio work. The children in the Thomizil crèche have the opportunity to take part in the "outdoor group".
We enable children to make a seamless transition to further care at Thomizil.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 7:30 to 17:00
Friday from 7:30 to 16:00

Contact details

Marienbader Street 9
91058 Erlangen

Phone: + 49 (0) 9131 38234

E-mail: kinderzentrum@thomizil.de

Website: www.kita-bayern.de/er/thomizil