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Day nursery Noetherstraße - Waldorf

Stand: 28.05.2024

Our "Rainbow Group" accommodates twelve children from the age of one to three.

Age of children cared for: 0 to 3
Owner: Waldorfkindergarten Erlangen e. V.

About the facility

Comprehensive care is provided by three educational specialists and a trainee.
Like the kindergarten, the crèche works on an individually integrated basis. As a result, there is close cooperation with specialist services and therapists. Rudolf Steiner's pedagogy and elements of Emmi Pikler are applied in the crèche.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 15:30

Contact address

Noetherstrasse 2
91058 Erlangen

Phone: + 49 (0) 9131 67455

E-Mail: info@waldorfkindergarten-erlangen.de

Website: www.kita-bayern.de/er/waldorf