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Ritzerstraße crèche - Löhe crèche

Stand: 28.05.2024

The focus is on the children. They should feel comfortable and secure in our facility.

Age of the children cared for: 1 to 3
Provider: Evangelical Lutheran parish of St. Markus

About the facility

We create a place from which they can get to know and conquer the world.

Every child can develop their personality and abilities within the community. We want to share the children's perspective in order to understand what moves them.

It is important to us to involve the parents and incorporate their skills into our work with the children.


Ritzerstrasse 2 a
91054 Erlangen

Phone: +49 (0) 9131 - 539115

E-mail: kita.loehe@t-online.de

Website: www.loehe-kinderhaus.de