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municipal. Rasselbande children's house - Schweinfurter Straße

Stand: 28.05.2024

The municipal nursery Rasselmäuse in the Kinderhaus Rasselbande is located in the district of Erlangen-Büchenbach.

Age of the children cared for: 1 to 3
Responsible body: City Youth Welfare Office Erlangen

About the facility

The KiTa is located in the middle of a pine forest in the residential area of Würzburger Ring, at the end of Schweinfurter Straße.

The facility has one crèche group and four kindergarten groups.

Our facility cares for children of different nationalities and we maintain an open relationship with each other.

The two-storey building is located away from the noise of the street, right next to a playground, on a spacious site of around 3500 m².

Our pedagogical focus is on language education.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 7:00 to 17:00
Friday from 7:00 to 16:00

Contact details

Schweinfurter Street 11
91056 Erlangen

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 863616

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 863623

