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Nativity scene Am Röthelheim - St. Matthäus

Stand: 28.05.2024

The crèche offers 13 places for children from the age of 11 months until they start kindergarten (usually 3 years old).

Age of the children cared for: 1 to 3
Provider: Evangelical parish of St. Matthäus

About the facility

The crèche offers 13 places for children from the age of 11 months until they start kindergarten (usually 3 years old). Our crèche children are given priority for a kindergarten place at Am Röthelheim when they transfer to kindergarten. Siblings of kindergarten children are also given priority in the crèche.
As early childhood education requires a good mix of ages, our admission criteria are not based on the date of registration. The provider and management will jointly decide on the allocation of places in the crèche. Registration forms and lots of information about the kindergarten and crèche can be found on our homepage https://www.matthaeus-erlangen.de/evang-kinderhaus-am-roethelheim/. You can also find the registration times there. Please note that we will not accept pre-registrations for unborn children!
It is fun and exciting to be involved in something new. Nevertheless, we also have a great responsibility to bear. We want to do this well.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 7:30 to 16:30

Friday from 7:30 to 15:00

Contact us

Am Röthelheim 60
91052 Erlangen

Phone: + 49 (0) 9131 932187
Fax: + 49 (0) 9131 36318

e-mail address
