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Day nursery Täublingstraße - Kinderland Die Arche

Stand: 28.05.2024

The facility consists of a kindergarten building with 2 kindergarten groups and a crèche building with one crèche group.

Age of children cared for: 0 to 3
Provider: Evangelical Lutheran parish of St. Maria-Madalena

About the facility

The nursery "Kinderland Die Arche" is located in the district of Tennenlohe, a suburb of the city of Erlangen, approx. 6 km from the city center. It is easy to reach via the B4 and the A3. The crèche has twelve places. We are happy to accept registrations at any time.

The facility has two spacious gardens, one for the kindergarten and one for the crèche. There are also two playgrounds in the immediate vicinity of the facility and the Tennenlohe forest adventure center is within walking distance.

Our educational mission statement is the absolute appreciation of the uniqueness of each child. Participatory, respectful interaction with one another creates a trusting environment in which the children can develop freely.

The kindergarten and crèche work closely together so that the transition is very harmonious.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 7:30 to 16:30
Friday from 7:30 to 16:00

Contact details

Täublingstraße 47
91058 Erlangen

Phone: + 49 (0) 9131 6872824
Fax: + 49 (0) 9131 6872829

E-mail: kita.kinderland-arche.er@elkb.de

Website: www.kita-bayern.de/er/arche