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Erlangen ArtGuide

Stand: 28.05.2024

Discover art in public spaces with the Erlangen ArtGuide. Get to know the background information, history and intentions of the artists. The KunstGuide is both a navigation system and an encyclopaedia.

A walk through Erlangen

If you are out and about in Erlangen, you will come across numerous works of art from different eras in various corners of the city. Some of them are visible from afar due to their splendor and size. Others, on the other hand, call for targeted attention and sometimes even a glance around a corner or two.

More than 300 art objects

From Elias Räntz's figures of gods on the roof of the Margrave's Palace to the "Machine Figures" by artist Joachim Bandau on Campus South, from Heinrich Kirchner's bronze sculptures in the sculpture garden on the Burgberg to the "White Angel" by artist Franziska Uhl in Röthelheimpark - Erlangen and the surrounding area have well over three hundred art objects in public spaces, depending on how you count them.

The KunstGuide

The guide is an ongoing project with a current focus on art after 1945. However, all relevant works of art will be recorded step by step.

Further information

Person standing in front of a picture wall in an art gallery.
Page, Culture, Cultural venues, events, Festivals, Library, Art Palace, Cultural education, Cultural Department, Cultural Office, Museum, Museums, Cutlery, Cultural and creative industries, Cultural dialogs, Poetry festival, Comic Salon, Art

Art & Culture

Information and current events in art and culture, festivals, cultural venues, museums, city library, cultural promotion, cultural education, cultural and creative industries, cultural policy guidelines...

The art museum in Erlangen
Page, Art, Museum, Art Palace, Exhibitions

Erlangen Art Museum

All information about the Erlangen Art Museum, current exhibitions and special exhibitions.

Page, Art, School, Juks, Children, Teenagers, Vacation program, Childcare

Erlangen Youth Art School - JuKS

JuKS, the Erlangen Youth Art School, is an extracurricular educational institution within the Cultural Office of the City of Erlangen for children from the age of three and young people up to the age of 18.

Page, Art, Art Museum

Kunstpalais Erlangen

Contemporary art in the heart of the city: All information about the Erlangen Kunstpalais, current exhibitions and special exhibitions.