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Nature conservation; landscape planning

Stand: 28.05.2024

Landscape planning is the central planning instrument for nature conservation and landscape management.

The Bavarian Nature Conservation Act (BayNatSchG) is decisive for the preparation of the landscape plan. This law defines not only the basic tasks but also the essential content of landscape planning.

The landscape plan is a long-term concept of objectives and measures for nature conservation and landscape management, including recreational provision. It makes statements on how the natural balance as the basis of human life can be safeguarded, how the diversity, character and beauty of the landscape can be preserved and how the different parts of the landscape can be used in a careful manner. It also develops the necessary measures for the maintenance, design and further development of the landscape.

To this end, the landscape plan presents the existing and desired state of nature, develops a model and identifies measures that can be taken to resolve conflicts in nature and the landscape and to improve conditions. In this way, the landscape plan also provides important information for the content, spatial and temporal implementation of compensatory and replacement measures.

As is generally the case in Bavaria, the landscape plan of the city of Erlangen is integrated into the land use plan. By subjecting the land use plan and landscape plan to a joint preparation procedure in accordance with the German Building Code (BauGB), both are given equal legal effect.

The Erlangen land use plan with integrated landscape plan came into effect on August 21, 2003.