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Circular economy; environmental protection Construction and demolition waste

Stand: 28.05.2024

Immission control

Air pollution control

During demolition and when handling the demolition material, the generation of dust emissions must be prevented in accordance with the state of the art. The following measures must be observed:

  • Increase the moisture content of the demolition material
  • Avoidance of overloading and intermediate discharge by the grab during handling
  • Minimization of the drop height during discharge
  • Automatic adjustment of the discharge height with changing dumping heights
  • Use of water misting in front of discharge openings and feed points when using crushing plants and conveyor belts
  • Cessation of demolition work at high wind speeds (over 5.5 m/s)
  • Regular cleaning of construction roads, e.g. with sweepers

The hydrant connection must be requested from Erlanger Stadtwerke at least one week before the start of demolition work. If traffic safety measures are required for the hydrant connection, an application must also be submitted to the City of Erlangen's Road Traffic Department at least one week before the start of demolition work.

During demolition work, emissions of artificial mineral fibres (e.g. mineral wool) must be prevented or minimized using state-of-the-art measures. The components or insulation in question must be dismantled and disposed of separately.

The regulations of TRGS 521 must be complied with during dismantling and disposal.

The fibrous materials must be temporarily stored and transported in dust-tight containers. The containers must be labeled in accordance with the regulations of the GefStoffV. If there are materials containing asbestos in the building, the "Information sheet on handling asbestos" must be consulted.

Noise protection

Noise emissions from demolition work must be limited in accordance with the state of the art by using low-noise machinery and equipment. The regulations of the "Equipment and Machinery Noise Protection Ordinance - 32nd BImSchV" must be observed.

The assessment of noise immissions is based on the "General Administrative Regulation for Protection against Construction Noise". The noise immission guide values that must be complied with when carrying out the construction work are based on the designation under construction planning law of the area in which the neighborhood to be protected is located.

The immission guide values apply 0.5 m in front of the open window of the affected recreation rooms. Daytime is the time from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., nighttime is the time from 8.00 p.m. to 7.00 a.m.

It is recommended that a responsible person be appointed for the construction site to ensure compliance with the noise regulations.

Construction waste recycling plant

For the operation of a mobile construction waste recycling plant on the construction site, the following information must be provided to the City of Erlangen's Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues at least one week before the start of demolition work:

  • Make and operating description of the plant
  • Information on the sound power level of the plant
  • Information on the measures to prevent dust emissions according to the state of the art
  • Planned operating times

The City of Erlangen reserves the right to refuse the operation of a construction waste recycling plant on demolition sites if its operation is expected to cause harmful environmental effects in the neighborhood due to dust emissions or noise.

If the treatment of the material cannot be carried out at the demolition site, an immission control permit must be obtained for the construction waste recycling plant used.

Only verifiably uncontaminated building rubble may be treated in a building rubble recycling plant. The prerequisite for this is a controlled building demolition in which existing building pollutants are removed and disposed of separately. This applies regardless of whether the demolition material is treated on site or sent to a building rubble recycling plant elsewhere.

Uncontaminated building rubble (concrete, bricks, ceramics) must be sent to a building rubble recycling plant. The criteria of the guideline "Requirements for the utilization of recycled building materials in technical structures dated 15.07.2005" must be met. For the recycling of RC building materials from a mobile recycling plant, a case-by-case assessment is required in accordance with the specifications of the StMUG dated 13.03.2013.

Mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics (17 01 07) must first be sent to a treatment plant in accordance with (§9 Para. 1 GewAV).

If separate collection is "technically impossible" or "economically unreasonable" (for definition see § 8 GewAbfV), the requirements and documentation obligations of the current Commercial Waste Ordinance must be observed.

Avoidance of vibrations

Significant nuisance in neighboring buildings due to vibrations must be avoided in accordance with the state of the art.

If buildings adjacent to the construction site with uses that are particularly worthy of protection, such as medical practices with vibration-sensitive equipment and activities, are affected, agreements must be made with the affected neighbors regarding the timing of the demolition work.

Construction and demolition waste

Legal basis

The regulations of the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG) and the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAV), as well as the waste management statutes of the City of Erlangen, must be complied with when carrying out the demolition work and disposing of the demolition materials. Hazardous waste requires special monitoring and is subject to the Ordinance on Waste Recovery and Disposal Records (NachwV).


The waste producer or owner is responsible for the proper disposal of waste. In the case of building demolition, the building owner and the demolition contractor can be held responsible in the event of violations. Even if the waste is passed on to a company, the client is still responsible for the proper disposal of the waste.

Dismantling and disposal concept

Before demolition - especially of buildings formerly used for commercial or industrial purposes with suspected or obvious pollutant-containing building fabric - it is recommended that a demolition and disposal concept be drawn up. This also applies to residential buildings, where building materials containing pollutants were also used and must be separated during demolition.

In most cases, proper disposal is only possible after prior examination of the building fabric and removal of the pollutants.

The deconstruction and disposal concept documents the identified building components containing pollutants, shows the necessary work steps for the separation of pollutants (sequence, suitable procedures), specifies the requirements for occupational safety and immission control and suggests possible disposal routes.

The creation and implementation of such a concept has the following advantages

  • increased legal certainty - speedy construction process
  • Cost savings for disposal

Waste separation on the construction site

The handling of construction and demolition waste is subject to the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV), which came into force on August 1, 2017. In order to enable the highest possible quality of recycling, producers and owners must collect and transport the waste fractions separately and prioritize preparation for reuse or recycling. Producers and holders are also responsible for waste classification.

Non-hazardous waste

  • Construction and demolition waste must be collected, transported and disposed of separately in the following fractions (§ 8 Para. 1 GewAbfV):
  1. Glass (waste code 17 02 02)
  2. Plastic (waste code 17 02 03)
  3. Metals, incl. alloys (waste codes 17 04 01 to 17 04 07 and 17 04 11)
  4. Wood (waste code 17 02 01)
  5. Insulating material (waste code 17 06 04)
  6. Bitumen mixtures (waste code 17 03 02)
  7. Gypsum-based building materials (waste code 17 08 02)
  8. Concrete (waste code 17 01 01)
  9. Bricks (waste code 17 01 02)
  10. Tiles and ceramics (waste code 17 01 03)
  • Soil and stones with the exception of those falling under 17 05 03* (waste code 17 05 04)
  • Bulky waste (waste code 20 03 07)
  • Mixed municipal waste (waste code 20 03 01) (residual waste)
  • Miscellaneous packaging (e.g. transport packaging: this must be taken back by the supplier free of charge)
  • Uncontaminated excavated soil - this must be recycled. A declaration analysis is required for the disposal of soil from urban areas. Depending on its composition, an "in situ" or heap sampling must be arranged. It is strongly recommended to check the on-site reinstallation, interim storage options and disposal routes in advance in order to minimize the quantities to be disposed of.

Hazardous waste

Dilution of pollutants by mixing contaminated and uncontaminated building materials or parts of building materials is generally prohibited. If hazardous waste is mixed with non-hazardous waste, the entire waste mixture must generally be disposed of as hazardous waste!

Apply for a waste producer number

If hazardous waste is produced for disposal or recycling and the total annual quantity of all hazardous waste is at least two tons, waste producers who are required to provide proof need a waste producer number.

Frequently occurring hazardous waste:

  • Materials containing asbestos (waste code 17 06 05*) e.g. asbestos cement sheets, pipes containing asbestos, cladding for fire doors, flower boxes, flanges, old PVC coverings Cusion Vinyl, Flex sheets, tile adhesives. The reuse of waste containing asbestos as a building material is not permitted! Further information can be found in the "Information sheet on handling asbestos" from the City of Erlangen".
  • Other insulating materials consisting of or containing hazardous substances (waste code 17 06 03*): e.g. insulating materials made of artificial mineral fibers (glass wool, rock wool). In the case of insulation waste from demolition, it must be assumed that this must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Only mineral wool with a production date after 01.06.2000 is to be classified as non-hazardous according to the regulations on hazardous substances.
  • Glass, plastic and wood containing hazardous substances or contaminated by hazardous substances (waste code 17 02 04*). The classification of hazardous waste wood according to assortment and origin in accordance with Annex III of the Waste Wood Ordinance must generally be observed. Accordingly, structural timber, windows, exterior doors, timber framework and rafters, for example, belong to waste wood category IV or waste code 17 02 04*.
  • Coal tar and products containing tar (waste code 17 03 03*): e.g. roofing felt containing pitch/tar or paints containing pitch (contains PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).
  • Insulating material containing asbestos (waste code 17 06 01*): weakly bound waste containing asbestos, such as sprayed asbestos, sealing material in e.g. heating or ventilation ducts.
  • Mixtures of or separate fractions of concrete, bricks and ceramics containing hazardous substances (waste code 17 01 06*).
  • other construction and demolition waste (including mixed waste) containing hazardous substances (waste code 17 09 03*). These waste code numbers are to be used if the designated waste is contaminated or mixed with hazardous waste, e.g. incendiary waste.
  • Construction and demolition wastes containing PCBs (waste code 17 09 02*): e.g. sealants containing PCBs, resin-based floor coverings containing PCBs, insulating glazing containing PCBs, condensers containing PCBs, wall paints.
  • Fluorescent tubes and other waste containing mercury (waste code 20 01 21*).
  • Used appliances containing free asbestos (waste code 16 02 12*): e.g. night storage heaters.
  • Soil and stones containing hazardous substances (waste code 17 05 03*).

Installations for handling substances hazardous to water

Legal regulations are the Water Resources Act (WHG) and the Ordinance on Installations Handling Substances Hazardous to Water (AwSV).

Existing facilities for handling substances hazardous to water must be properly decommissioned.

Underground tank systems must always be decommissioned by a specialist company and approved by an authorized expert.

Above-ground tank systems of 1,000 liters or more in water protection areas and flood plains and 10,000 liters or more outside water protection areas and flood plains must be decommissioned by a specialist company and inspected by an approved expert.

The expert's inspection report must be submitted to the Water Protection Department of the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues before demolition work begins.

Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG)

Contaminated sites

If pollutants are found in the soil and/or groundwater during the demolition work, this must be reported immediately to the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues and the Building Inspectorate (BayBodSchG Art. 1 sentence 1). The remediation plan and remediation process must be agreed with the authorities.

Demolition work on contaminated sites or suspected contaminated sites must be carried out under the supervision of contaminated site experts. The work must be reported to the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues/Soil Protection 2 weeks before the start of construction. A final report must be submitted.

Soil protection

  • In principle, as little land as possible should be used for construction activities.
  • Soil removal must be minimized.
  • Topsoil must be protected from destruction by removal or the use of so-called excavator mats, which distribute the load of the vehicles and prevent the wheels from penetrating deep into the ground.
  • Under no circumstances should the soil be driven on or removed when wet.
  • Topsoil must be removed and stored separately from subsoil.
  • No construction site waste (especially tar cork, tar paper, asbestos cement rubble) may be mixed into the soil or buried.
  • Liquid pollutants such as hydraulic oil or engine oil must also not be allowed to enter the ground. Appropriate collection containers must be kept ready on the construction site.

Species protection issues

If there are bird breeding sites (e.g. swallow nests or bat nests) on the demolished building or directly adjacent to it, a species protection exemption must be applied for from the government of Middle Franconia before the work is carried out due to the special species protection regulations (Section 44 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act). It is recommended to schedule the demolition outside the bird breeding season (March 1 - September 30 of each year).


Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues

Schuhstr. 40 91054 Erlangen; Telephone: 09131-862674 (waste and soil protection law); 09131-861635 (construction site waste); 09131-862182 (soil protection); 09131-861272 (immission control); 09131-861273 (water protection); 09131-861299 (species protection); e-mail: umweltamt@stadt.erlangen.de

Waste management association

City of Erlangen District of Erlangen-Höchstadt; ZVA ER-ERH (public corporation); Office: Karl-Zucker-Str. 2 91052 Erlangen; Telephone: 09131-71 57-0; Fax: 09131-71 57-21; E-mail: info@zva-erlangen.de; Internet: www.zva-erlangen.de

Landfill Herzogenaurach

Zum Flughafen 101, 91074 Herzogenaurach Phone: 09131-715719 09132-61617; Internet: www.zva-erlangen.de Waste transfer station, Am Hafen 5a 91054 Erlangen; Phone: 09131-992600; Internet: www.zva-erlangen.de

Government of Middle Franconia

Trade Supervisory Office, Department 2 Roonstr. 20, 90429 Nuremberg; phone: 0911/928-0; e-mail: gewerbeaufsichtsamt@reg-mfr.bayern.de

Further information

Pollutant guide for building demolition - LfU Bavaria

Equipment and Machinery Noise Protection Ordinance (32nd BImSchV) - legal text

Waste management, contaminated sites and soil protection - Bavarian State Office for the Environment (Lfu)

General administrative regulation for protection against construction noise (AVwV Baulärm) - IZU (bayern.de)

New leaflet on forest and field path construction in Bavaria | Baustoff-Recycling Bayern (baustoffrecycling-bayern.de)