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Creating paper theater with the "Compagnie La Bande Passante"

Stand: 17.01.2025

There will be four workshops in February, each lasting around three hours, for anyone aged 14 and over who is interested in the 24th international figuren.theater.festival.

Erlangen is facing major changes. This has often been the case in the city's history. Now it is the relocation of Siemens and the university as well as the planned urban-urban railroad. Both will contribute significantly to the transformation of the cityscape. "But what should Erlangen look like in the future? What would you change? What do you like as it is and what would you build on?". These questions are now being addressed in a workshop for the 24th international figuren.theater.festival (May 23 to June 1).

Ein Stadtmodelle aus Papier in schwarz weiß mit Menschen und einem Haus.From February 8 to 12, the history of the city can be discovered with Benoît Faivre and Tommy Laszlo from the French theater group "La Bande Passante". And you can realize your own visions of Erlangen's future. For this purpose, a "Ville de Papier Erlangen" (Paper City Erlangen) will be designed. On February 8, 10, 11 and 12, there will be a total of four workshops (each lasting around three hours) for all interested parties aged 14 and over, where they can exchange ideas with the artists and contribute their own ideas.

Find out more at: www.figurentheaterfestival.de.

The complete press release from January 8, 2025

Read more: the 24th international figuren.theater.festival in May 2025

Figure Theater Festival
Page, Theater, Festival, Art, Culture

International Figures. Theater. Festival

All information and the current program for the International figuren.theater.festival in Erlangen, Fürth and Nuremberg.

Dept. of Festivals and Programs


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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Freitag: 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr