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Net for children

Stand: 28.05.2024

Cross-age facility for children between 2 and 12 years in a group of max. 15 children.

Age of the children cared for: 2 to 12
Provider: Frankenhof children's group association

About the facility

Stable group with early childhood development and preschool education, leisure activities, homework supervision in small groups, parental involvement. Netz für Kinder is centrally located in the city center "near Bohlenplatz"

The "Netz für Kinder" has been a further building block in the system of pluralistic childcare services in Bavaria since 1993.

It is characterized by

  • small groups with 12 - 15 children
  • Mixed ages from 2 to 12 years
  • Parental involvement in the care and organization

The age mix enables social learning between children of different ages. Children can remain in one facility for a longer period of time and be cared for together with their siblings. Parents work hand in hand with a pedagogical specialist. This cooperation is intended to strengthen parents in their educational competence and responsibility.

The minimum requirements are limited to an opening time of 4 hours on 4 days a week and a room size of 3.5 square meters of playable space per child.


Luitpoldstraße 8
91052 Erlangen

Tel + 49 (0) 9131 / 9201789

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