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Redesign of the public street spaces in the housing area

Stand: 28.05.2024

After the redesign of GEWOBAU's private open spaces, the public traffic areas must also be adapted and redesigned to enhance the residential environment in the housing area.

The Housing Area is located in the Socially Integrative City area of Erlangen-Southeast. The Integrated Urban Development Concept (ISEK) Erlangen-Südost defined the project "Modernization, new living space and improvement of the living environment in the Housing Area" as one of the important key projects in the buildings and housing field of action. Following the redesign of GEWOBAU's private open spaces, the public traffic areas must also be adapted and redesigned in order to improve the living environment in the housing area.

Decision in principle on preliminary design planning
Accordingly, on 19.05.2020, the Environment, Transport and Planning Committee passed a resolution to award the necessary planning services for the redesign of the public traffic areas in the Housing Area to a planning office.

Award of the planning contract
The invitation to tender for the preliminary planning then took place. As a result of the tender and in accordance with the resolution of the Environment, Transport and Planning Committee of 11.05.2021, the office "EGL Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Landschaft GmbH" was commissioned with the preliminary planning for the redesign of the public road spaces in the Housing Area.

First public participation
On July 27, 2021, residents and representatives of the neighboring institutions and facilities were invited to the "Treffpunkt Röthelheimpark" community center as part of the first public participation event "Redesign of the public street spaces in the Housing Area". The aim of this event was to ask residents for ideas on the design of the public street space before any concrete designs are created. In a small workshop, numerous suggestions were collected on the topics of "Staying and greenery" and "Mobility and safety". As a result, it can be stated that the basic redesign of the public street space was welcomed by the majority of those present. Particular emphasis was placed on the areas of accessibility, the creation of green spaces, slowing down through traffic and reducing parking pressure from third-party parking. The corresponding summary can be found in the Downloads section.

Second public participation
As with the first public participation on 27.07., committed residents came together for the second participation on 26.10.2021 to find out about the current planning status and exchange ideas. This time, the event took place in the auditorium of the Georg Zahn School. Based on the results of the first public participation, two planning variants were developed and presented by the planning office. One was the "equal road space" concept and the creation of a traffic-calmed area, the other was the "regulated road space" variant and the approach of reducing the speed to 30 km/h and the associated separation of traffic flows. After the presentation of the variants, citizens were given the opportunity to discuss the variants and contribute further ideas. In summary, it can be said that the citizens present welcomed the "equal road space" variant and wanted the existing plans to be developed further with various additions. The focus was on a street space that is as green and climate-adapted as possible with a high quality of stay. The corresponding summary can be found in the Downloads section.

Decision on the preliminary draft planning
The decision on the preliminary draft planning is currently being prepared by the Environment, Transport and Planning Committee.

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