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Reconstitution of the Sustainability Council

Stand: 28.06.2024

At the beginning of March, the committee was reconstituted for the next three years.

The City of Erlangen's Sustainability Advisory Board was reconstituted in March. Under the chairmanship of Lord Mayor and Advisory Board Chairman Dr Florian Janik, a total of 25 institutions, associations and organizations began their work for the next three years.

Dr. Claudia Schorcht and Helmut Zapf were confirmed in their positions as deputy chairpersons, ensuring continuity of the work begun during the last term of office.

Among the members are many familiar faces, but also completely new active members, such as forum 1.5 Mittelfranken, Gemeinwohlökonomie, Gesundheit und Medizin in Erlangen e.V., Rat-schlag für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Stadtverband der Erlanger Kulturvereine and Umweltstation Erlangen Jugendfarm.

The newly appointed committee therefore covers the 17 goals of sustainable development very well and has already started its work with new ideas and projects.