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BBGZ utilization concept

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Citizens', Meeting and Health Center (BBGZ) on Hartmannstrasse is a new space for people to meet and exercise in the south-east of Erlangen.

The Office for Sport and Health Promotion is working together with future user groups, interested citizens, participating offices and managers of surrounding facilities to determine how these newly created areas will be used in the future.

The BBGZ consists of three building sections. The Gerd-Lohwasser-Halle combines a quadruple hall with around 1,000 spectator seats and other multi-purpose, exercise and gymnastics rooms under one roof. A climbing center of the German Alpine Club (DAV) is adjacent. There will also be a family center run by the city youth welfare office. The BBGZ thus offers a variety of new exercise and meeting opportunities, daycare facilities close to home as well as facilities for child and youth social work and family education.

The utilization concept not only answers the question of how the new premises will be used, but also tailors services to the needs of citizens in the surrounding districts.

Techniker Krankenkasse is funding the development of the utilization concept in the period from October 2020 to September 2022.

Office for Sport and Health Promotion

Head of office: Ulrich Klement


Fahrstraße 18
91054 Erlangen


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