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Online reporting portal for recording anti-Muslim incidents

Stand: 22.07.2024

The nationwide online reporting portal I Report (i-report.eu) records and documents anti-Muslim incidents in Germany in order to make the extent of such discrimination visible and to develop measures to combat it.

The reports include verbal attacks, physical assaults, discrimination in the workplace and in public spaces as well as vandalism of religious institutions. Frequent perpetrators are individuals, but also organized groups.

The analysis shows an increase in reported incidents compared to previous years, with the number of anti-Muslim crimes amounting to 1,129 last year (BMI). Most incidents occur in urban areas, with women wearing religious clothing being particularly affected. One example is a woman wearing a headscarf who was verbally attacked in a supermarket, or a man who was discriminated against in a job application because of his Muslim name.

Since 2021, victims and witnesses have been able to report anti-Muslim incidents online nationwide.

There is a need for improved public education and awareness, stronger legal measures against discrimination and support for victims from counseling centers. Overall, the reports show the need to take anti-Muslim discrimination seriously and actively combat it in order to promote a society based on respect and equality.

Further information and the reporting form can be found on the project's website: I Report (i-report.eu)