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Vladimir (Russia)

Stand: 28.05.2024

Twin city since 1983

Vladimir, capital of the governorate of the same name (comparable to a federal state the size of Brandenburg), is located around 170 km north-east of Moscow and 2,500 km from Erlangen.

The city has a population of almost 400,000 and is of great interest to visitors interested in regional studies and history as the former capital of the old Rus, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir-Suzdal.

Together with Suzdal (twin town of Rothenburg o.d.T.), only 30 km away, Vladimir, founded in 995, offers a unique ensemble of churches, monasteries and secular buildings from the 11th to 18th centuries, many of which are under UNESCO protection, as well as the necessary tourist infrastructure for western travelers on the "Golden Ring".

The frescoes by the wandering monk Andrej Rubljow in the Cathedral of the Assumption and the architectural gem of the Protection of the Virgin Mary on the Nerl are certainly of particular interest to visitors.

Today, Vladimir presents itself as a modern city with a large number of efficient institutes and scientific facilities, a pedagogical and a polytechnic university (both contractually linked to the FAU, the former additionally with the VHS and the Institute for Foreign Languages) and a richly structured economy which, despite all the problems of the conversion from the state to the private sector, has regained its footing after years of decline and has long since been characterized not only by the five large companies, but also by the middle class. People can enjoy a wide range of cultural and sporting facilities - from the theater to the stadium.

The town twinning was initially sealed in 1983 as an "engagement contract" for five years and officially confirmed in 1987 after passing a trial period. The most important goal of the partnership was and remains international understanding and reconciliation. It is therefore no coincidence that the motto "civil partnership" is at the heart of the partnership and includes contacts between war veterans as well as school exchanges.

The symbol of this civic partnership in Vladimir is the Erlangen House, which is used next to Vladimir Town Hall as a contact point for all contacts.

The Academy for Business Practice, which was initiated from Erlangen, rents offices here, guest rooms are available, German courses are offered in cooperation with the VHS and the Goethe Institute and the Vladimir - Erlangen Friendship Circle meets. Thanks to the support of Siemens AG and ESTW AG as well as the THW, the "Kesselhaus Erlangen" heats an entire district, a veritable fleet of buses from Erlangen has become an integral part of Vladimir's public transport system, the sewage treatment plant is in optimum condition thanks to Erlangen's support, the Erlangen Junior Chamber of Commerce has founded a partner organization, and the Catholic parish of Vladimir has been re-established thanks to Erlangen's help.

The gymnastics school in Vladimir has made a major contribution to the success of the partnership, as have the many cultural groups. The municipal associations for culture and sport are the pillars of the contacts between the clubs, but the art association, the service clubs and many private initiatives also do their bit. The BRK has set up a Red Cross station and launched a home care project, the medical exchange complements the humanitarian aid, and the Barmherzige Brüder Gremsdorf work closely with the Vladimir child psychiatry department. Every year, there are almost one hundred exchange programs at various levels. Regularly organized citizens' trips with up to 350 participants create a climate of openness and understanding across all borders. The German Embassy in Moscow considers the town twinning "a particularly successful example of how worthwhile it is to invest money and energy in this form of international understanding that directly involves people."

The connection with Vladimir was awarded the "1st Prize for Civic Engagement in Russia" by German President Johannes Rau in March 2002.

Due to the Russian army's war of aggression against Ukraine, contacts have been limited to civil society and the connection to Erlangen House since February 24, 2022.