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Who is the city of Erlangen

Stand: 28.05.2024

  • We are a family-friendly employer
  • We live openness by tradition, take our responsibility for the citizens of Erlangen very seriously and therefore work according to the motto: "For me. For us. For Erlangen"
  • As a service provider for our citizens, we support them in numerous areas
  • We are currently around 3,000 employees (as of 03/2021)
  • Your new colleagues work for us in a wide variety of areas; for example, employees in information technology, engineering, administration, educators, social pedagogues and social workers, colleagues in landscape and garden maintenance, waste disposal, road construction and many more
  • We see the diversity of our employees as a strength and encourage it. Because our administration should be as diverse as our city is. That is why we signed the Diversity Charter in 2012
  • Equal opportunities and appreciation are important to us - for the citizens of Erlangen and for our employees
  • You can find a clear overview of our organizational structure here in our business allocation plan