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Foster parents wanted

Stand: 28.05.2024

The specialist full-time care service of the Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office is looking for foster parents.

Why do children need foster parents?

  • The biological parents are in an acute crisis or in a prolonged stressful situation.
  • The excessive demands on the biological parents mean that they are unable to meet their children's basic needs for food, drink, hygiene, protection, security, warmth and recognition.
  • The biological parents do not fulfill their educational mandate.
  • Illness, family breakdown, neglect and violent situations endanger the child's well-being in the family of origin

We are looking for people who would like to become foster parents for these children.

What do you need?

  • Enjoy living together with children
  • Time for children
  • Security and stability
  • Openness and tolerance towards the family of origin
  • Willingness to participate in a possible return of the child to the biological parents
  • Willingness to cooperate with the youth welfare office
  • Sufficient living space
  • Secure financial circumstances

Our services for foster parents

  • We provide information on the legal, educational and financial aspects of taking in a foster child.
  • In counseling sessions, we support both the biological parents, the foster parents and the foster children.
  • We prepare potential foster parents for their future tasks and offer basic and further training.
  • Throughout the entire duration of the fostering relationship, support is provided in the form of individual discussions, group offers and educational events.

Have we piqued your interest?

Then we look forward to hearing from you. You are welcome to arrange an information meeting with us.

Special current challenges

If the welfare of children and young people from Erlangen is at risk, the City Youth Welfare Office must be able to place and care for them in a safe place outside the family at all times. Children of different ages, from infants to adolescents, can be affected.

An extremely important partner of the City Youth Welfare Office for the temporary admission and care of children can no longer accept children and young people from Erlangen until further notice. Almost all capacities are also exhausted nationwide.

How could you help in the short term?

Could you imagine taking in a child or young person in your own home at short notice in an emergency situation and looking after them there?
You will receive an expense allowance for this. This will initially be for a period of up to 6 months.
If you can imagine doing this, please express your interest at short notice to the full-time care service of the Youth Welfare Office. Everything else will then be discussed with you personally.
City Youth Welfare Office, Specialist Service for Full-Time Care
Christine Hellmer
E-Mail: christine.hellmer@stadt.erlangen.de
Phone: 09131 / 86 1510

How could you help in the medium to long term?

Would you be willing to work as a foster family in the longer term?
You will receive training to prepare you for the task. You can also take advantage of offers for further qualification. You will receive care allowance for your work as a foster parent. Please contact the specialist service for full-time care for further information.
City Youth Welfare Office, Specialist Service for Full-Time Foster Care
Christine Hellmer
E-mail: christine.hellmer@stadt.erlangen.de
Phone: 09131 / 86 1510


City Youth Welfare Office Erlangen
Specialist service full-time care
Telephone: 09131/ 86-2449 or 86-2901
E-mail: sozialdienst.stadtjugendamt@stadt.erlangen.de

Specialist service for full-time care - foster child service

The specialist service for full-time care or foster children places foster children in suitable foster families, advises and accompanies the foster family and supports contacts between the foster family and the family of origin.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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