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Billposting Ordinance

Stand: 28.05.2024

Ordinance of the City of Erlangen on the display of notices and posters and on representations by billposters (Billposting Ordinance) dated 24.11.2016 in the version dated 28.02.2019 as well as Annex 1 to Section 2 (2) No. 7 and Section 3 (1) of the Billposting Ordinance of the City of Erlangen and exemption regulation to Section 2 (2) No. 16 of the Billposting Ordinance of the City of Erlangen

§ 1 Restriction of public postings
§ 2 Billposting on the occasion of elections and votes
§ 3 Exceptions
§ 4 Obligation to mark and remove posters
§ 5 Administrative offenses
§ 6 Entry into force and period of validity
Annex 2: Exceptions to § 2 Para. 2 No. 16 of the City of Erlangen's billposting ordinance

Appendix 1 to § 2 Para. 2 No. 7 and § 3 Para. 1 of the City of Erlangen's Billposting Ordinance (area of application: city center)

If you have any questions, please contact the Citizens' Office, Department of Public Safety and Order.

pdf, 232 KB

Billposting Ordinance

Verordnung der Stadt Erlangen über das Anbringen von Anschlägen und Plakaten und über Darstellungen durch Bildwerfer (Plakatierungsverordnung) vom 24.11.2016 i. d. F. vom 28.02.2019
pdf, 1 MB

Billposting Ordinance - Annex 1

Anlage 1 zu § 2 Abs. 2 Nr. 7 und § 3 Abs. 1 der Plakatierungsverordnung der Stadt Erlangen