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Podcast: Flight, hope, home with immigrants in Erlangen

Stand: 28.05.2024

In this two-part podcast, Elizabeth Nicholson, Deputy Chair of AIB, talks to two special guests: Lilaf Shikho and Mahmoud Almizel (students at FAU) share their powerful stories before, during and after fleeing Syria.

Together, Lilaf and Mahmoud take a look at the challenges of preparing to flee and dealing with uncertainty. The focus is on the central question of the possibility of finding a new home. The guests' personal stories offer profound insights into their experiences and outline the impressive process of rebuilding after their arrival.
At the end of the podcast (in episode 2), Mahmoud Almizel reads an excerpt from his book "Unser Strom", which he is currently writing and will publish.

Listen to the first episode of the podcast here

Listen to the second episode of the podcast here