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Poetry festival 2024 in two homes - cordial invitation!

Stand: 22.07.2024

Renowned authors read at Bodelschwingh-Haus and Diakonie am Ohmplatz

The Poetry Festival takes place for the third time in two Erlangen homes. In 2022, the Seniors' Advisory Council organized two readings at the AWO social center on its own initiative with the support of city councillor Valeria Fischer.

In 2023, the readings were on the program of the renowned festival in cooperation with the city's Department of Culture and were also open to the public.

This year, the Bodelschwingh-Haus on Friday, August 30, and the Diakonie am Ohmplatz on Saturday, August 31, will make their rooms available to residents and the public. Two authors will be reading from their new works.

More information will be available from August 2 on the Poets' Festival website: https://www.poetenfest-erlangen.de.