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Press release from the Seniors' Advisory Council

Stand: 30.01.2025

Erlangen Seniors' Advisory Council advocates the permanent retention of foreign workers in the care and healthcare sector and warns against xenophobic tendencies.

Erlangen, January 30, 2025 - The Erlangen Seniors' Advisory Council strongly advocates the permanent retention of foreign workers in the care and healthcare sector. This refers to all foreign employees in the healthcare sector, with and without training. Focusing solely on skilled workers overlooks the fact that over 50% of nursing staff have no training or only a maximum of one year's training. Without this, the specialists cannot fulfill their tasks.

Against the backdrop of the ongoing staff shortage, the Council emphasizes the crucial importance of these employees in ensuring comprehensive, high-quality care for senior citizens and other people in need of care.

"The work of care workers from abroad is an indispensable part of our care system. Without their deployment, the care situation in many facilities and in the home would be at considerable risk," explains Alexandra Wunderlich, Chairwoman of the Senior Citizens' Advisory Council.

In view of demographic developments and the increasing number of people in need of care, the Senior Citizens' Advisory Council believes that society has a duty to create long-term prospects for foreign care workers. In addition to the legal framework, this also includes support measures such as language courses, further vocational training and social integration.

"It is crucial that we not only look for short-term solutions, but also offer these professionals and all other people from abroad who have a permanent position in the healthcare system a permanent working and living environment that motivates them to remain part of our care system in the long term," emphasizes the Chairwoman.

The complete text of the press release from the Erlangen Seniors' Advisory Council is available on request from the office (Mondays and Tuesdays): seniorenbeirat@stadt.erlangen.de, Tel. 862122.