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City center project fund

Stand: 28.05.2024

A project fund is intended to support smaller campaigns, measures and projects in the redevelopment areas.

The project fund serves to increase the participation of private individuals and associations in the renewal and strengthening of the city center. With the help of the project fund, private projects that serve the development of the city center can be financially supported with up to 100% funding from the City of Erlangen and urban development funds. In this way, private actors and associations are motivated to implement their ideas for promoting the city center directly and unbureaucratically. Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis and must be submitted before the start and implementation of the measure. All natural or legal persons are eligible to apply.

In order to be eligible for funding, the projects must serve the objectives of inner city development and thus achieve an improvement for the district (no funding for individual stores or similar). In addition, the measure must be located within the two formally defined redevelopment areas. The funding of a project applied for is decided by an elected project advisory board.

The Neighborhood Management Downtown will support you with your ideas, advise you on eligibility for funding and help you fill out the application. Get in touch with the neighborhood managers, Daniela Pohl and Johanna Kohlschmied!