Wichtiger Hinweis
Minutes of the Kosbach/Häusling/Steudach citizens' meeting Jan. 22, 25
Stand: 07.03.2025
The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.
Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik welcomes the citizens present to the Kobsach / Häusling / Steudach citizens' assembly and then refers to the general, usual rules.
The Lord Mayor also welcomes the members of the City Council and the employees of the city administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), the recommendations and concerns of the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the City Council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 8:09 pm, he gives the floor to the citizens for their concerns and requests.
1. contamination of corridors and fields
Corridors and fields are contaminated by waste from the highway service area.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The City of Erlangen has already pointed out the contamination of the corridors and fields to Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes on several occasions.
The City of Erlangen should approach Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes to rectify the garbage problem at the A3 service area and to implement the conditions of the planning approval decision (fencing) in a timely manner.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.
2. development plan Kosbach
It is suggested that the building boundaries of the development plans in Kosbach be lifted to allow residential development.
Referent for planning and building, Mr. Lang:
In the 6th cover sheet to development plan no. 171, which applies to large parts of Kosbach, redensification typical of the area is already permitted. However, the number of building inquiries in this area is currently very low, so that the building department does not consider it necessary to amend the development plan.
3. road verges Kosbach / Häusling / Steudach
Some of the road verges are 10-15 cm lower than the road.
Referent for planning and building, Mr. Lang:
The need for action on the road verges is known in the specialist department. Regular inspections take place during which safety and risk assessments are carried out. Based on the current budget situation, a decision is then made as to whether a danger sign should be erected or whether the building department should take temporary action.
The road verges in Steudach, Häusling and Kosbach are to be permanently repaired.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.
4. property tax
According to the federal government, the new assessment rate will not result in any additional burden for individuals. What is the reason for the difference between the federal government and the local authorities?
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The federal government has recommended revenue neutrality as part of the property tax reform. This means that the respective municipality should collect the same amount of property tax after the property tax reform as before. However, the recommended revenue neutrality does not explicitly refer to the individual taxpayer, but to the total tax revenue. Revenue neutrality in the context of the property tax reform is merely a recommendation, as the level of the property tax rate is subject to the local authority's right of self-administration and neither the federal government nor the state government may intervene here. The assessment rate has been raised by around 65 percentage points above the revenue-neutral assessment rate due to the tight budget situation. With the property tax reform, there has been a change in Bavaria from a value-based calculation based on the assessed value to a purely area-based calculation based on the equivalent amounts or property tax values. This change in the calculation model will inevitably lead to a change in the measurement amounts and therefore also in the property tax payable by individual taxpayers. For some landowners, this means higher property tax than in 2024, for others lower. Please contact the tax office if you have any questions.
5. property at the corner of Hegenigstraße / Hechtweg
It is suggested that senior-friendly apartments be built on the city-owned property on the corner of Hegenigstraße and Hechtweg.
Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Lang:
Currently, the property is registered under planning law for a forest and parking area, but a change would not be a problem in principle. After consultation with GEWOBAU, this is planned for the next five to seven years with energy-efficient extensions, but the suggestion will be taken on board.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik
The issue will be passed on to the local advisory council in order to find out whether the citizens would like to see the wooded area or the open space developed with housing suitable for the elderly. In addition, it should be clarified which developer (other than GEWOBAU) could be commissioned for this.
6 CO2 funding measures
Last year, funding for CO2-reducing measures was discontinued due to the budget situation. Will there be funding programs again in 2025 and 2026?
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
There will be no additional funding this year, a resumption must be decided by the city council. Citizens who have received a promise of funding will still be paid out with the help of remaining budget funds.
7. showcase Steudach
It is suggested that the showcase in Steudach "Erlangen informiert" be filled with current announcements and events.
Member of the local advisory council:
The old showcase in Steudach is broken and can no longer be repaired. The local council is already in contact with the City of Erlangen regarding a new display case.
8. minutes of the local advisory council
The item "Report by the administration" is to be included in the minutes.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The agenda item "Report from the administration" is generally recorded in the minutes of the local advisory council meetings. In principle, the chairpersons of the local advisory council can decide to what extent this item is to be included in the minutes.
9. embankment at Klosterholz
The embankment at Klosterholz needs to be cleaned again.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Although the embankment is a municipal area, it must be cleaned by the residents* in accordance with street cleaning regulations.
10. weeds on the St. Michael sidewalk
The weeds on the sidewalk at St. Michael are very high.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The sidewalk is cleaned once a year by the City of Erlangen.
11. sidewalk at Klosterholz
It is suggested that the sidewalk at Klosterholz be extended to the recycling containers.
Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Lang:
The need for action to extend the footpath is known, but cannot currently be carried out due to the budget situation.
12th Christmas tree
The Christmas tree for the district is currently on a private property, but it has died. It is requested that a replacement be planted on a suitable area belonging to the City of Erlangen.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
At St. Michael 18 there are two conifers on municipal land that can be decorated as a Christmas tree. For this purpose, feedback is requested from the company for urban greenery, waste management and street cleaning (EB77) (e-mail stadtgruen@stadt.erlangen.de). In addition, it is agreed that a new tree will be planted in a municipal area and that the existing trees will be used until then.
13. e-charging station Steudach
There is no public parking space in Steudach to charge an electric car.
Referent for planning and building, Mr. Lang:
E-charging stations that are not highly frequented (such as in the city center) are not economical. Therefore, the city of Erlangen often cannot find an operator to manage e-charging stations. It is promised to check whether 53 e-charging stations will be installed at St. Michael's.
14. defibrillator
There is no defibrillator in the village.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
For the purchase of a defibrillator, a responsible person is needed to take care of the defibrillator (e.g. also clubs, fire department, etc.).
15. road ditches
Why are the fields only mowed once a year? The cycle path from Büchenbach to Häusling is getting narrower due to the branches hanging in. It is suggested that a section next to the cycle path should also be mowed so that the path is not disturbed by branches hanging in.
Member of the local advisory council:
In principle, the fields are mowed twice a year, once in spring and once in fall. However, some fields are also mowed differently, depending on the size of the field and the other conditions on site.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The suggestion to mow a section next to the cycle path will be taken along for consideration.
16. site plan of the western cemetery
Following the extension of the Westfriedhof cemetery, the site plan is now also to be extended.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
An examination and response will be assured.
17. maximum weight Steudach in the direction of Büchenbach
The permissible total weight from Steudach to Büchenbach is 2.8 tons, from Frauenaurach to Steudach 5 tons. This maximum weight is not observed by many trucks. This applies in particular to municipal trucks.
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The municipal vehicles are presumably cars from the Betrieb für Stadtgrün, Abfallwirtschaft und Straßenreinigung (EB77). The suggestion will be passed on to the specialist department.
18. lowering of the kerb on Hegenigstraße
The lowered kerb from Büchenbach to Kosbach on the Hegenigstraße cycle path is poorly visible. It is requested that the lowering be marked in color.
Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Lang:
A review and response is promised.
19th Kosbach cycle lane in the direction of Steudach (Kieselbergstraße)
In order to improve the cycling situation on the Kosbach route in the direction of Steudach (Kieselbergstraße), it is proposed to test the introduction of a cycle lane.
Referent for planning and building, Mr. Lang:
There must be a legal minimum frequency for the introduction of a cycle lane. This is highly unlikely to be the case in this location.
20. fruit and berry garden
The highway bridge was relocated in Kosbach. The area (approx. 400 square meters) of the old freeway bridge, where many old trees were previously felled, is currently vacant. Citizens and young people are being encouraged to plant a fruit and berry garden here.
Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Lang:
The area is owned by Autobahn GmbH des Bundes. It is promised to inquire with the federal highway company.
21. village square in Steudach
What is the current status of the village square in Steudach?
Referent for planning and building, Mr. Lang:
The Betrieb für Stadtgrün, Abfallwirtschaft und Straßenreinigung (EB77) is responsible for the design of the village square. It is promised that initial design proposals will be presented at the next local council meeting on 9.4.2025.
22 Cancellation of the Active Card
Why was the active card for members of the fire department canceled?
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
All recipients of the Active Card were recently informed that the Active Card for 2025 cannot yet be sent out because there is no approved budget (= provisional budget management). It is predicted that the Active Card will be retained, but the scope of services will be restricted. A decision is still pending.
23. volleyball net on the village square
A redesign proposal for the village square, namely a volleyball net (net only), is put forward.
Mayor, Dr. Janik:
A review and response is promised.
24. heating network planning
What is the current status of the heating network planning in Kosbach?
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Yesterday, together with the City of Erlangen and the developer, a new location was fixed where the developer can build the heating network. The City of Erlangen is in constant contact with the client regarding further planning.
25. city-country railroad
How much is planned for the Stadt-Umland-Bahn in 2025?
Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
In the municipal budget, €4 million is planned for 2025.
After there were no more requests to speak, Lord Mayor Florian Janik closed the citizens' assembly at 9:33 pm and thanked the citizens for the discussion and their commitment.
Mayor's Office and Press Office
Citizens' meetings
The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.
Additional individual appointments