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Minutes of the Burgberg citizens' meeting on November 17, 2022

Stand: 16.07.2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik welcomes the citizens present to the "Burgberg" citizens' assembly and then refers to the general, usual rules.
The Lord Mayor also welcomes the members of the City Council and the employees of the City Administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), the recommendations and concerns of the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the City Council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 8:07 pm, he gives the floor to the citizens for their concerns and motions.

1. tree trunks on the Bergkirchweih site

Which office decided that the tree trunks at the Bergkirchweih site were not put back?

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
After the tree trunks were removed as part of the Bergkirchweih, it was determined that they were dilapidated and needed to be replaced. Furthermore, it is planned to place the new tree trunks on the Bergkirchweih site in cooperation with the responsible authorities (closure of the square, material procurement, civil engineering office), probably at the beginning of 2023.

2. parking space design of the Bergkirchweih grounds east

A request is made to find a way to prevent the tense parking situation on the Bergkirchweih grounds East. Furthermore, the idea of having this area managed by the City of Erlangen is being discussed.

Head of the Civil Engineering Department, Mr. Pfeil:
The traffic areas of the eastern part of the Bergkirchweih grounds are currently not managed. Regulations for the use of the areas during the year will be taken into account as part of the overall concept for the Bergkirchweih grounds.

3. redesign of the west exit of the Bergkirchweih site

Why has the redesign of the west exit been suspended? The trees in question have not yet been felled.

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
The award procedure for the planning of the redesign of the west exit of the Bergkirchweih grounds is currently underway. Implementation of the measures is scheduled to begin in 2024. It has not yet been decided whether trees will be removed.

4. pressure load railing 1 kn / 2 kn

What is the concrete and legal basis for the requirement of 2 kN and on the basis of which criteria is this demanded by all cellar owners?

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
According to Art. 14 Para. 1 BayBO, buildings and the areas of built-up land not used for traffic must be safe for traffic. The regulations on loads are based on DIN EN 1991-1-1/NA, which regulates the general effect on structural weights, dead weights of structures and live loads in building construction. There are various tables for this (categories C1 to C6). C1 to C4 require a compressive load resistance of 1 kN. C5, C6 and C3 must withstand a horizontal load of 2 kN. This includes balustrades, supports or railings that must withstand 2 kN.

5. distance railing Bergkirchweihgelände

Has an anchoring in the wall cornice on the mountain side with L-shaped railings pulled outwards to the edge of the wall been checked?

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
Intensive consideration was given in advance as to where the railings should be installed. The various options are presented and the advantages of the newly erected sandstone wall are expressed (e.g. density of the surface, durability, simplified testing of the load-bearing capacity through excavation, visual effect, making it more difficult / avoiding "climbing up").

6. closure of Pfaffweg

The Pfaffweg is closed due to the excavation of the rock. When will the closure be lifted?

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
The remediation work has been discussed with an expert. This is a property owned by the City of Erlangen and a private property. The City of Erlangen is also in talks with the landowner to carry out work on the rock face located on private land. The aim of the civil engineering department is to complete the work by the Bergkirchweih 2023.

7. mountain road

A request is made to rename Bergstraße, which starts at the side of Jägerstraße, as it does not connect to Bergstraße, starting at Essenbacherstraße. Furthermore, a renaming or clearer signage of Bergstraße at Jägerstraße is requested.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
In principle, a renaming of the street name is possible at the request of the residents* by a city council resolution. No such application has been submitted. A promise is made to check the signage.

8. residents' parking on the Bergkirchweih site

The citizens inquired about the experience of the residents' parking scheme introduced around two years ago on the Bergkirchweih site. They also ask whether further areas of residents' parking will be designated and why the parking ticket machine was no longer installed after the Bergkirchweih. It is also noted that the "permanent parking zone" has shifted from the western part to the eastern part (Ratsberger Straße, Spardorfer Straße) of the Bergkirchweih site.

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
The residents' parking area has been well received. The Office for Urban Planning and Mobility has not received any complaints or feedback at present. There is currently no need to extend the residents' parking area. The parking ticket machine that has not been reinstalled is an operational error. The machine will be reinstalled. The parking situation on the eastern part of the Bergkirchweih site will be considered in the overall concept for the Bergkirchweih site together with its use during the year.

9. lack of parking spaces at the Max Planck Institute

Why are there no parking spaces available at the new institute? There is also a lively discussion about the parking situation around the University Hospital.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Creating a parking facility is not possible on site. The parking spaces were removed accordingly. Solutions for further parking facilities in the vicinity of the clinic have been and will continue to be sought.

10. flood protection

Information is requested on the current status of flood protection on the Schwabach, in particular with regard to the future of the Mühlbach.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Flood protection is the responsibility of the Water Management Office as a state authority. Due to the low water level of the Schwabach, the water management authority is planning to drain the arm of the Mühlbach or significantly reduce the water supply. The decision of the water management authority is still pending. The main focus is on maintaining the water quality of the Schwabach.

11. traffic pollution on Spardorfer Strasse

The status of the noise report on Spardorfer Straße and the resulting measures are inquired about. In addition, a 30 km/h speed limit is requested due to the high levels of particulate matter and noise pollution in Spardorfer Strasse.

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
Interventions in traffic (e.g. temporary restrictions or restrictions on the type of traffic) must be justified. The existing noise mapping is not sufficient to identify measures. A census has been commissioned so that the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues can carry out a precise mapping. The new figures will be used to assess whether traffic calming measures can be implemented.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
There is currently no legal basis for a 30 km/h speed limit order in Spardorfer Strasse.

12. additional congestion in Spardorfer Strasse / Palmstrasse

The citizens suggest that the speed limit in Neue Straße leads to additional traffic congestion in Spardorfer Straße.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
According to a commissioned traffic count, the speed limit in Neue Strasse does not lead to any additional traffic in Spardorfer Strasse.

13. traffic calming in Spardorfer Straße (at the level of TB 1888 - Hockeyplatz)

Traffic-calming measures (e.g. speed signs or a traffic island) are requested in Spardorfer Straße at the level of the TB 1888 Erlangen e.V. field hockey pitch.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
It is suggested that the traffic control department carry out more speed checks on Spardorfer Straße at the end of the town in the direction of the forest and in the opposite direction.

14. traffic safety Spardorfer Straße / Palmstraße

It is pointed out that the removal of the 30 km/h zone on the corner of Spardorfer Straße and Palmstraße poses a danger to all pedestrians coming from Ebradstraße. In addition, a crossing aid is requested in this area and on the corner of Leo-Hauck-Straße and Spardorfer Straße.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
As the kindergarten no longer exists at this location, there is no legal basis for a 30 km/h speed limit. Nevertheless, the city of Erlangen initially designated this area as a 30 km/h zone. However, this had to be reversed following a complaint, as the designation was unlawful after a thorough examination. The measures that can be implemented at this point are being reviewed.

15. traffic island at the bus stop on Essenbacher Straße / corner of Rathsberger Straße

Due to the lack of visibility, a crossing aid is suggested at the corner of Essenbacher Straße and Ratsberger Straße.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
An examination is assured.

16. traffic monitoring Burgbergstraße

It is requested that measures be implemented to slow down traffic. The 30 km/h speed limit is disregarded by heavy commuter traffic.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
It is suggested that the traffic control department carry out speed checks on Burgbergstraße.

Speed checks should be carried out on Burgbergstraße.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

17. bus routes to the east

The direct bus connection from Burgberg to the east is not developed, so bus journeys to the east are very time-consuming and expensive. A request is made for the expansion of the bus connection at Burgberg.

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Ms. Angerer:
The responsibilities for the route extension towards Spardorf lie with the city of Erlangen, the municipality of Buckenhof and the Erlangen-Höchstadt district office, among others.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
The direct bus connection to the east will be taken into account in the development of the new local transport plan.

18. bus connection to the residential home in the direction of the old town (community center)

There is no direct bus connection from the Rathsberg residential home in the direction of the old town.

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Ms. Angerer:
A turning loop behind the residential home is associated with too high costs and will therefore not be realized. Furthermore, the demand is not covered. The connection to the residential home is provided by the regional bus service.

19 Safety for schoolchildren

There is a desire to improve the route from Burgberg to the town center and schools. The stairs on the Böttigerpromenade are in need of renovation and do not offer any possibility of pushing bicycles down safely.

Head of the Civil Engineering Department, Mr. Pfeil:
Initial measures have been implemented with the renewal of the railings. Consideration is currently being given to what can be improved at this point.

20. oak processionary moth Mayor's footbridge, Jordanweg, Spardorfer Straße

The oak processionary moth has already caused many illnesses among residents. It is requested that urban trees be cleared of the nests, especially in the period around June 15.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
An examination is assured.

21. bottleneck in Rudelsweiher Straße retirement home

The bottleneck in Rudelsweiher Straße in front of the old people's home is a danger due to the excessive traffic, the suppliers stopping there and the lack of space. Due to the traffic congestion at this point, Burgbergstraße is used as a bypass. The citizens demand a stopping ban at the bottleneck in front of the retirement home as well as further safety measures and traffic calming in Burgbergstraße.

Head of the Civil Engineering Department, Mr. Pfeil:
Intensive road renovation measures will be carried out in this area next year. Citizens' suggestions will be taken into account as part of these measures.

22. road surface renewal on Spardorfer Straße

A request is made to renew the road surface on Spardorfer Straße.

Head of the Civil Engineering Office, Mr. Pfeil:
An examination and response is assured.

23rd local supplier

A local supplier is desired on Burgberg.

Lord Mayor, Dr. Janik:
Due to the aspect of economic viability, the construction of a local shopping facility on the Burgberg is not to be expected. A change of use is possible in this area, but so far there are no interested parties.

Mayor Dr. Florian Janik closes the citizens' assembly at 22:08 and thanks the citizens for the discussion and their commitment.

on behalf of
Mayor's Office and Press Office

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


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91052 Erlangen


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