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Examination of 1. trees and landscape protection wood pond

Stand: 09.07.2024

Citizens' meeting Kriegenbrunn 19.10.2022

1. trees and landscape protection Holzweiher

It is reported that all the treetops on the Holzweiher pond have been cut on one side. In addition, building rubble was used for backfilling during renovation work.

Examination by the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Affairs:
The matter was forwarded to the Environmental Protection Agency for examination for possible violations of nature conservation laws or the ordinance for the protection of landscape areas in the area of the city of Erlangen (landscape protection ordinance).
The site has since been visited by a nature conservation expert. The condition on site was assessed and documented.
In the opinion of the Lower Nature Conservation Authority, there are no legal violations of the above-mentioned regulations.
A joint on-site meeting was held in 2020 with the tenant and the nature conservation specialist from the lower nature conservation authority of the city of Erlangen. It was determined that the restoration of the pond, including its dams, was urgently required. The preservation of the trees on the dam and the reeds in the inlet area towards the forest was agreed. The shortening of the tree crowns towards the pond was a necessary compromise to ensure that the pond could be restored while preserving the trees.
In 2021, the temporary storage of the clay with the classification Z0 (= uncontaminated soil) for installation in the pond was applied for. Although sporadically mixed in, largely inert foreign substances such as ceramics or iron residues are visually unattractive and should at best be sieved out before delivery, they do not represent a burden in the context of the prescribed test methods for classifying soil.
During the site inspection in October 2022, some trees were found to be overfilled at the base of the trunk. Efforts are being made to ensure that the overcrowding is reduced to a tolerable level.
By preserving the trees, the impact of the pond restoration on the landscape is only minor. Experience has shown that the pond and the dam itself will green up again in the foreseeable future. There is no administrative offense here.