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Examination of 17. traffic lights on Weisendorfer Straße

Stand: 04.12.2024

Dechsendorf citizens' meeting 30.4.2024

17. traffic lights on Weisendorfer Straße

Crossing Weisendorfer Straße as a pedestrian often leads to dicey situations, as some drivers still drive through the traffic lights when the light is (dark) yellow. It is requested that the red light for drivers heading out of town be set earlier. Furthermore, it is requested that the pedestrian lights be changed at off-peak times so that the lights turn green more quickly.

Response from the Planning and Building Department:
Testing of the traffic light system has shown that it operates in accordance with the guidelines. Unfortunately, the situation described could not be reproduced on site. For a more detailed analysis, the Planning and Building Department (baureferat@stadt.erlangen.de) requires further information, e.g. which crosswalk is affected here and from which direction the pedestrians are crossing the road. However, it has been observed that cars driving into the city can still cross the pedestrian crossing towards the city despite the green light for pedestrians. However, this only occurs if the cars cross the junction at reduced speed and in a traffic jam. The people waiting at the pedestrian signal are therefore able to see the situation. The more spontaneous changeover when pedestrian green is requested is not useful here, as this system works in coordination (green wave) with the neighboring Weissendorfer Str. / Hemhofener Str..