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Examination of 7. intersection Breslauer Straße / Karlsbader Straße

Stand: 28.05.2024

Citizens' meeting Sebaldussiedlung 29.6.2022

7. intersection Breslauer Straße / Karlsbader Straße

More traffic controls are requested at the Breslauer Straße / Karlsbader Straße junction. Furthermore, the 30 km/h zone in Breslauer Straße should be better marked.

Response from the civil engineering department:
When marking 30 km/h zones, only the start and end of the zone are regularly signposted. Markings are regularly placed at the beginning; in very large 30 km/h zones, the markings can be repeated. However, the Sebaldussiedlung area is not a very large zone, and even in a large zone, the second junction may not be marked again.