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AIB deals with the need to renovate Erlangen's elementary school

Stand: 11.07.2024

The advisory board sees these as the most important places to start learning and as the key to successful integration: at the beginning of May, the AIB held talks with the administration, politicians and stakeholders from the Anger district. It discussed the space and renovation problems at the Pestalozzi School and afternoon care in the district. The municipal school renovation program shows that comparatively little money has been invested in elementary school over the past 15 years - in contrast to grammar schools.

The Advisory Board asks the City Council to review the decision to implement school renovation projects. Elementary school in need of refurbishment in districts with a high social index and a high proportion of residents with migration biographies should be prioritized more strongly.

Furthermore, the city is requested to make efforts to include other relevant Erlangen elementary school in the Startchancen program in addition to Mönau elementary school. You can find the full proposal here.

It is clear to the Advisory Board that elementary school are the most important starting point for children with migrant backgrounds - especially for learning German - and therefore the key to successful integration. A decisive course for later educational success is set at primary school age, and it is difficult to make up for any omissions during this time.

However, educational success is still heavily dependent on social background. In line with the city's mission statement for integration and the equal opportunities it strives for, places of learning in districts with a high proportion of immigrants must therefore be particularly well equipped in terms of space and staffing and sufficient all-day or afternoon care must be provided so that children have the best possible opportunities. Our entire society benefits from this.