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Statutes of municipal daycare facilities explained simply

Stand: 28.05.2024

The statutes contain the rules for Erlangen's daycare facilities. It also explains how places are allocated in the daycare facilities.

The city of Erlangen has various day care centers.
Children should learn and be well looked after in these places.
Some children and young people need special help with learning and education.
There are special offers for this.

For example:
A child does not yet speak German very well.

The City Youth Welfare Office manages the day care facilities.

Information on the day care facilities

The childcare year always runs from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.

Opening hours in general

Each facility agrees

  • the opening hours and
  • the closing days

with the City Youth Welfare Office and the Parents' Council.

Sometimes the day-care centers have to close at short notice for an important reason.
For example because of:

  • severe weather
  • structural damage
  • water damage
  • power failure
  • Heating failure
  • pandemic
  • strike
  • Too few staff

If possible, the daycare centers offer emergency care.


The costs for the daycare centers vary.
You can find out the costs directly from the daycare center.

It may be that the opening hours are sometimes shorter.
It is possible that the daycare center may have to close.
See also under "Opening hours".
In this case you will still have to pay.

Parents' council

There is a parents' council in every daycare center.
The Parents' Council is elected by the parents.
The parents' council is the point of contact for all parents.
The parents' council also helps with the organization of parties.


The City of Erlangen is only liable for damages in cases of intent and gross negligence.

Which daycare facilities are there?

Day nurseries

Age1 year to 3 years
Opening hoursMonday to Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm or longer

Kindergartens and playrooms

Age3 years to the start of school
Opening hoursMonday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or longer

After-school care and learning rooms

AgeFrom 1st to 4th grade
Opening hoursMonday to Friday from the end of lessons until 16:00 or longer

Houses for children

AgeVaries. Between 1 year and 4th grade
Opening hoursMonday to Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm or longer

Learning rooms and youth learning rooms

AgeFrom 1st grade to graduation
Opening hoursFrom 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or longer

After-school care in all-day school

AgeYear 1 to the end of year 4 elementary school
Opening hoursMonday to Friday from the end of lessons until 16:00 or longer
Other servicesLunch, vacation care possible

How do you register your child for a place at the daycare center?

You can only register your child once it has been born.

You register your child on this website. Click here: Childcare/registration

How are places allocated in the daycare centers?

Your main place of residence must be in the city of Erlangen.
Your child has a right to a place in a day care center.

Day care centers first accept children who need special help.
For example, if the child needs to be socially integrated.
For example, if the child does not yet speak German well.

The management of the day care center and the Stadtjugend-Amt decide whether your child can go to the center.
They will try to consider your preferred place.

These children have a good chance of getting a place at the day care center:

  1. Children who are starting school next year
  2. Children whose parents or a single parent work
  3. Children whose parents or a single parent are in training
  4. Children who need special language support
  5. Children whose siblings are already being cared for in a facility
  6. School children who are in the 1st grade of an elementary school or a special school
  7. Schoolchildren who go to school in the school district of the facility
  8. All other children

What do you need to do if your child is ill?

You must inform the daycare center immediately if your child is ill.
Call the management of the daycare center.

Your child or someone in the family has an infectious disease or vermin?
For example, lice, bark lichen or whooping cough?
Then you must call the management of the day care center.
Your child is not allowed to go to the day care center.
Only when your child is healthy again.
You will need confirmation from the doctor.

The official doctor can close school classes.
In this case, your child will not be allowed to go to the day care center.

What do you need to do if you want to deregister your child from the daycare center?

You must send a letter or e-mail
to the management of the daycare center.

You must write the letter or e-mail by the last day of the month at the latest.
Your child is then deregistered for the following month.

In the current childcare year, you can cancel your child's registration until April 30.
Your child will then no longer attend the daycare facility from May 31.

After that, you can only cancel from August 31.

When may your child no longer attend the daycare center?

The Stadtjugend-Amt can exclude your child from the day care center. This almost never happens.

Important reasons are

  • Your child is not behaving in such a way that the day care center can do a good job.
    For example:
    A child is threatening other children.
  • They are not behaving in such a way that the daycare center can do a good job.
    For example:
    They threaten the staff.
    You do not keep to the pick-up times.
  • Your child does not come to the daycare center for more than 2 weeks without an excuse
  • You do not adhere to the booking times
  • You do not pay the fees for more than 2 months

Before your child is excluded, the day-care center must speak to you beforehand.

The daycare center must close permanently

If a day-care center has to close for good, the remaining assets go to the City of Erlangen's youth welfare service.

When do these regulations apply?

This statute applies from August 18, 2023.

The text was created with the support of the Center for Barrier-Free Communication of Diakonie Rummelsberg.