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Arbitration board for cooperation plans

Stand: 28.05.2024

No agreement in sight on the cooperation plan? You can find help here. The neutral arbitration board for cooperation plans at the Erlangen Jobcenter will help you find a joint solution.

With the amendment to SGB II and the introduction of the citizen's allowance on 01.07.2023, the previous integration agreement will be replaced by the cooperation plan.

Based on your current personal and professional situation, you and your personal contact person will determine your professional goals and define the next steps required to achieve these goals. In the cooperation plan, you and your personal contact at the Erlangen Jobcenter will agree on the individual steps and the way in which the Erlangen Jobcenter will support you.

If it is not possible for you and your personal contact person to agree on the possible contents of the cooperation plan, this difference should be resolved via an arbitration mechanism. The conciliation procedure can be initiated either by you or by the personal contact person.

The aim of the conciliation procedure is to develop a joint cooperation plan that is possible for both sides.

The conciliation procedure is conducted by an impartial and uninvolved person who should help you and your personal contact person to reach a solution.

You will not suffer any disadvantages as a result of participating in the conciliation procedure. The arbitration procedure is free of charge for you and you do not need to seek legal advice. Reductions in benefits due to breaches of duty are excluded during the conciliation procedure.

The arbitration procedure can only focus on differences of opinion that arise during the creation or updating of the cooperation plan. Other differences of opinion, such as on the implementation of the cooperation plan or on issues relating to benefits, etc., are excluded.

To initiate a conc iliation procedure, please contact us by telephone (+49 9131 9200 2425), by e-mail or via the electronic contact form.

The conciliation procedure begins with the first meeting. The conciliation period is four weeks.

The conciliation procedure is conducted by an uninvolved person who is not employed by the Erlangen Jobcenter and is therefore neutral and not bound by instructions. The conciliation talks are conducted in German. If your knowledge of German is not sufficient, you can bring someone you trust with you to translate for you. If you inform the conciliation body in good time, it can also call in a translator.

If no solution proposal for a cooperation plan can be found after four weeks, the conciliation procedure will be terminated. A cooperation plan is then not concluded. In accordance with § 15 Para. 6 SGB II, requests for the necessary cooperation will be issued from this point onwards with instructions on the legal consequences. A reduction in benefits is then possible again.

If you have any questions about the conciliation procedure or the cooperation plan, you are welcome to get in touch with your personal contact person at the Erlangen Jobcenter.

In order to maintain neutrality, the Erlangen Jobcenter has joined the "Cooperation for the implementation of the conciliation procedure according to § 15a SGB II" - consisting of the joint institutions

  • Fürth City,
  • Fürth Land,
  • Erlangen-Höchstadt
  • Neustadt a. d. Aisch-Bad Windsheim

and the municipal job center of the city of Erlangen - Erlangen Jobcenter.

Contact form arbitration board

Neutral arbitration board for cooperation plans at the Erlangen Job Center

No agreement in sight on the cooperation plan? You can find help here. The conciliation body will accompany you on the way to a joint solution.

Contact us now


Nürnberger Straße 35
91052 Erlangen


On-site appointments are only possible by telephone agreement.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00

Friday: 09:00 - 13:00