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Sustainability; starting school in an ecological classroom

Stand: 28.05.2024

Organic fair school cone

Walking to school for the first time with a school cone in your arms is a memory that we keep for the rest of our lives. It is usually treats that sweeten the start of the school day for our children. If we also pay attention to the Fairtrade and organic labels when buying them, we can be sure that our own children will not only smile. We also bring joy to the producers, such as the cocoa farmers and their families in faraway places.
In our brochure you will find tips on the organic fair trade school cone.

Ecological classroom

A lot can be done for the environment by using recycled paper in particular, as significantly less energy and water is used in its production than in the production of fresh fiber paper.

Information helps to protect the environment when purchasing paper for the first school year. For this reason, the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues would like to give parents and future first-graders a little help this year at school registration to promote ecological purchasing.