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State school counseling center for Middle Franconia

Stand: 28.05.2024

Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs

The State School Counseling Center for Middle Franconia is responsible for all schools in this district and is the point of contact for those seeking advice on school-related issues. It is staffed by counseling teachers and school psychologists from all types of schools. Counseling is free of charge and the staff are bound to confidentiality.

Counseling topics and services

  • Child education / support
  • Learning difficulties
  • Dropping out (school, training, studies)
  • Graduation (school, training, studies)
  • School career issues / paths after school
  • Job application / initial training / starting a career
  • Further education (general, vocational)
  • Second-chance education (catching up on school-leaving qualifications)
  • Staying abroad
  • Inclusion
  • Skills assessment / development
  • Language support
  • Further training at schools

Further information and contact:

State school counseling center for Middle Franconia