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Siemens continues to invest massively at the site

Stand: 28.05.2024

Lord Mayor Florian Janik: "We are creating a new urban quarter in the south and another flagship for Erlangen."

With the Siemens Campus, the south of Erlangen is currently undergoing a fundamental transformation. Siemens is building a modern, open corporate campus in a total of eight modules at the world's largest location. Preparations for the project began in 2013. The offices in modules 1 and 2 and the laboratory building in module 3 have already been built and occupied. The development plan for module 8 has come into force and development and construction work has begun. With the purchase of parts of the campus by the Free State of Bavaria, the Faculty of Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) will also be able to expand on the campus in future. Now the residential development planned from the outset is also to be taken forward. On Thursday, the city council commissioned the administration to further develop the Siemens Campus master plan together with Siemens. The aim is to create an urban quarter for living and working in the south.

Urban planning competition

The master plan, which has been regularly updated since 2015, forms the urban planning basis for all in-depth planning steps on the site. The master plan sets out, for example, open spaces, routes, building density and uses. The update is necessary because residential development was originally planned on the module. This was acquired by the Free State of Bavaria for the FAU. In the new quarter in the south of the campus, living and working are to be considered together. In line with the concept for commercial development in Erlangen, there will therefore be mixed use. The master plan will create the conditions for an urban planning competition. The development plans can then be drawn up on the basis of this.

Around 500 million euros for the Frauenauracher Straße site

Zsolt Sluitner, Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Real Estate, had previously presented the company's goals for the Siemens campus to the city council members. He thanked the city of Erlangen for its intensive cooperation in the realization of the project. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of further future investments in public infrastructure, in particular in local transport and the planned suburban railroad. It will also connect the Siemens campus. Sluitner also informed the city councillors in detail about the expansion of the Frauenauracher Straße site. It is to be transformed into a new campus for development and high-tech production. As the company had already announced in the summer, around 500 million euros are to be invested in production and development networks there.

Siemens' investments and plans a great opportunity for Erlangen

Lord Mayor Florian Janik: "The already completed parts of the Siemens campus show a new district with modern workplaces and great places to eat. With the Faculty of Engineering and the plans for a mixed-use district, we are continuing this positive urban transformation together with Siemens and the Free State of Bavaria. We are creating a new urban quarter in the south and another flagship for Erlangen. The plans are also an important step towards more living space in Erlangen." And while the Siemens campus continues to grow every day, Siemens is making another unique investment decision in Erlangen on Frauenauracher Strasse. A beacon for digitalization and sustainability in industrial production is being created here.

Planning and Building Officer Harald Lang: "Siemens' investments and plans are a great opportunity for the city of Erlangen. Over the past few years, the building administration has worked hard and with great concentration on this project. This is also our aspiration for the upcoming planning steps."

Photo: Siemens AG