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Pool of language mediators from the district and city

Stand: 28.05.2024

The language mediator pool supports non-German-speaking citizens in communicating with public offices, social institutions, schools or when visiting the doctor.

The language mediator pool supports non-German-speaking citizens who cannot afford a paid interpreting service. Volunteer language mediators help with communication with public offices, social institutions, schools or doctor's appointments. The volunteer language mediators are coordinated and supervised by the AWO. Needs-oriented training courses are offered to prepare the volunteers well for their work. In addition, the language mediators receive a travel allowance for each assignment.

Anyone wishing to make use of the language mediation services can contact AWO Erlangen by email, stating their name, date, time, expected duration of the appointment and the language required. The request should be made at least 2-3 days before the appointment. Anyone interested in volunteering as a language mediator can also get in touch (e-mail dolmetscherpool@awo-erlangen.de, phone 09131-715386).

The district of Erlangen-Höchstadt and the city of Erlangen have been supporting the joint project Sprachmittlerpool, a coordination center for volunteer language mediation services, for years. In recent years, over 400 assignments have been carried out in the city and district with the help of volunteers.