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Stand: 28.05.2024

The Erlangen City Archive is endeavoring to gradually expand its online presence. Here you will find an overview of the information and research services currently available online.

Address books

The city archive has an extensive collection of historical address books, which are an important source for personal, urban and economic history issues. They cover - with interruptions - the period from 1751 to 1990.

The city archive's address books have been completely digitized in cooperation with the Verein für Computergenealogie e.V. and are available online: Address book for Erlangen - GenWiki (genealogy.net)

Archival tectonics

A "tectonics" represents the hierarchical structure of the holdings within an archive. Together with the superordinate descriptions of the individual holdings, it serves as an initial point of entry and orientation for thematic research.

The tectonics of the Erlangen City Archive and brief descriptions of all existing holdings are published in the "Archivportal-D", the central reference system for the holdings of German archives: Tectonics of the Erlangen City Archive (archivportal-d.de)


The Erlangen City Archive maintains a specialized academic library with approx. 50,000 media units focusing on the collections "Erlangensien", Franconian and Bavarian regional history, general history and urban planning as well as historical auxiliary sciences.

The library holdings are successively indexed according to the Regensburg Union Classification (RVK) and published in a publicly accessible online catalog (OPAC): OPAC Stadtarchiv Erlangen (bib-bvb.de)

Reference books

So-called "Studentische Stammbücher" - records of student relationships with handwritten entries by friends or acquaintances - can be used to research family histories, (academic) relationships or modern mobility patterns. The city archive has a collection of around 40 student family registers, most of which were created between the mid-18th and mid-19th century.

The city archive's family book collection has been fully digitized and is available in the "Repertorium Alborum Amicorum" (RAA), the world's largest database for family books and family book entries: Erlanger Stammbücher ()raa.gf-franken.de