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Urban and open space planning competition for Siemens Campus

Stand: 04.07.2024

The vision is a liveable and sustainable neighborhood with a wide range of housing options for different social target groups. Up to 2,000 apartments can be created on an area of around 150,000 square meters.

Eine Grafik Wohnmodull Siemens Campus Süd.Since 2014, Siemens AG has been developing the Siemens Campus Erlangen in coordination with the city of Erlangen and the Free State of Bavaria. The research site south of Paul-Gossen-Straße and east of the S-Bahn line, which was inaccessible to the public, is gradually being transformed into an open, forward-looking and innovative quarter. Large parts of the commercial Siemens Campus have already been built (Module 1 and Module 2, parts of Module 3) or are currently being implemented (Module 8).

To the south of this area, Siemens is now planning a mixed-use and lively "Stadtquartier Süd" on around 14 hectares. In coordination with the city, Siemens is now holding an urban and open space planning competition for the quarter. The city council has approved the objectives and the further procedure (graphic: Siemens AG).

What is to be created there?

The vision is a healthy, liveable and sustainable district with a wide range of housing options for different social target groups. Siemens assumes that up to 2,000 apartments can be created on around 150,000 square meters of floor space. 30 percent of the apartments are to be subsidized living space, with a further proportion earmarked for students. The needs of families and senior citizens are to be taken into account in the planning as well as the high number of single-person households. Part of the area is earmarked for commercial use. There should be space for everyday amenities such as

  • local supply
  • services
  • restaurants
  • hotel
  • boarding house
  • Medical center
  • Office.

What is the aim of the competition?

The aim is to develop exciting visual axes, attractive social meeting points for all age groups and an attractive district center. The buildings should make optimum use of the space, be energy-efficient and save resources. The new district should be criss-crossed by green connections and have a broad and sustainable mobility infrastructure.

How is it being organized?

The competition will be a

  • non-open
  • interdisciplinary
  • urban development and open space planning

realization competition. The procedure is anonymous. Twelve planning offices from Germany and Austria have been selected to take part in the competition - each in a joint venture with a landscape architecture firm.

The jury's decision is expected to be made in December. The results of the competition will then serve as the basis for the master plan and corresponding development plans. Siemens is aiming for the first apartments to be ready for occupancy by 2029.

Office for Urban Planning and Mobility

Head of office: Tilmann Lohse


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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