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Büchenbach-Nord becomes a district school!

Stand: 28.05.2024

In the integrated urban development concept (ISEK) Büchenbach-Nord 2035, the development of the Büchenbach-Nord school location is identified as a key measure and flagship project for the social stabilization and positive development of the district.

In the integrated urban development concept (ISEK) Büchenbach-Nord 2035, the development of the Büchenbach-Nord school location is identified as a key measure and flagship project for the social stabilization and positive development of the district.

The aim is to further develop the school location as a district school and, as a first step, to make the Hermann-Hedenus-Schule in Büchenbach-Nord a single building in the medium term. The following definition of the district school is the basis for a participatory process and the development of a sustainable spatial program for a subsequent urban planning and structural engineering competition. The process will be moderated by Baupiloten, Berlin, a qualified office specializing in educational projects.

Urban renewal and urban design department


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