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It was beautiful! 2nd district festival in the Theodor-Heuss-Anlage

Stand: 28.05.2024

Celebrating Erlangen Southeast and its diversity

More than 400 residents came together on Saturday, July 8 for the district festival in the Theodor-Heuss-Anlage in the southeast of Erlangen. In addition to live music from the two local bands "Grammy Smith" and "Septimus Prime" as well as delicious food and drinks from "Bowls to go", "Beck" and "Eiscafé Fanos", there were plenty of hands-on activities for the residents of the neighborhood.

The festival was opened by the children of the Erlangen music school and the children of the Michael Poeschke School music school under the direction of Ms. Hirschmann, who composed a special district festival song. Building officer Josef Weber emphasized in his welcome address that "at the opening of last year's festival, he wished that we could celebrate a festival together again next year, and he is very pleased that this wish has now come true".

Visitors were able to let off steam creatively, for example by making self-drawn buttons at the Fab Lab stand or making plant pots at the Thomasgemeinde/Thomizil stand. Special sensitivity was required at the German-Chinese Cultural Association, where visitors immortalized their own names in calligraphy. The Fröbel tower and the fishing game from the Kinderschutzbund also required a lot of skill. At the Aikido Dojo Erlangen, visitors could marvel at martial arts demonstrations and try them out for themselves. At the Sparkasse and Diakonie stands, great prizes could be won on the wheel of fortune. Students from FAU's Impro Theater also provided artistic entertainment. Lively negotiations took place at the flea market, where children and young people were able to sell toys, books and clothes.

At the Office for Sport and Health Promotion, interested parties were able to find out about the future use of the Bürger-, Begegnungs- und Gesundheitszentrum (BBGZ) on Hartmannstraße. Information on current construction projects in the district was available in the district management pavilion. In Karlsbader Straße, which was closed to cars, children could race against each other in two go-karts organized by the Stadtjugendring.

The district festival was organized by Quartiersmanagement Erlangen Südost, Stadtteilbeirat Süd, Bürgerverein Sebaldussiedlung e. V. and the City of Erlangen. The festival was supported by urban development funding as part of the "Social Cohesion" program and by the Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen Höchstadt-Herzogenaurach.

Urban renewal and urban design department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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